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Fashion is my passion!

I specialize in customized personal shopping, wardrobe and closet organization, image consulting and makeovers. We can shop together or I can pull outfits from stores for your approval at your convenience. I can help you organize and coordinate your closets and offer suggestions on hair, makeup and skin care. I offer a 15-minute complimentary consultation to discuss your personal needs and desires.

My fees start at $250 for 3 hours. My hourly rate is $95.


How I Work:

Step#1: Initial Consultation

  • We get to know each other
  • We discuss your wants, needs, desires and goals!
  • Together we can create a plan to make you look and feel amazing!
  • The initial 15 min consultation is absolutely free.

Step#2: Shopping (the fun part!)

  • Before shopping begins I will search the stores for outfits that I believe are right for you
  • We can arrange a shopping trip together


  • I can pull different Outfits and Accessories and deliver them to you.
  • I will be available for your Home Fitting sessions to help coordinate your new outfits and accessories.
  • I also coordinate any required Alterations and Tailoring

Step#3: Keep or Return

  • You pay for only the outfits that you keep, the rest I will return
  • Returns must be made within 3 days

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